- Murty Al Wazny
- I can't remember

My goal is to become a successful and progressive designer in the field of architecture. Being from a mixed background, I have been lucky enough to use that to motivate me and succeed in everything I do. Growing up with two different cultural backgrounds, I have always been able to use that mix to push my own creativity.
One of the major health concerns of our generation is the increase in individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. With this trend comes a need for new systems of support and a concern for quality of care. Ongoing medical research includes not only treatments for the body and brain, but also information about the importance of environmental and architectural design. Along with people in the medical profession, architects have the ability to design environments that can positively affect the wellbeing of individuals through careful attention to the particular sensorial needs of those with Alzheimer’s disease. This thesis looks into the tools that can make us remember experience through objects.
We are in the habit of forgetting. Without some kind of aid to trigger the mind, the past can easily slip by without record. Memory itself is not quite enough in the practice of recalling the past. Perhaps, then, in anticipation of forgetting, we have grown into the habit of collecting. Photographs, letters and souvenirs become icons of past events. We cannot return to the authentic event, therefore we turn instead to surrogates as metonymic objects that become weighted with significance. These souvenirs grant access to places that are no longer available to us. They allow for a semblance of control over the uncontrollable passage of time.
- m.alwazny@outlook.com